WELL Health Stories

Dina Sergi

Chief Executive Officer at 
WELL Health Diagnostic Centres

Life at WELL Health with Dina Sergi

As part of our Life at WELL Health series, we aim to spotlight the remarkable individuals who play integral roles within WELL Health. 

In our latest Q&A, we had the privilege of chatting with Dina Sergi, the Chief Executive Officer of WELL Health Diagnostic Centres. Let’s delve into Dina’s reflections on her proudest achievements, sources of inspiration, insights on women’s leadership, and her recent Inspiring Women Leaders of 2023 award. 


What is your role at WELL Health? 

My current role is Chief Executive Officer of WELL Health Diagnostic Centres. 


What’s the most rewarding or inspiring thing about what you do? 

Working with others who motivate and challenge me is a significant source of inspiration in my career. I am fortunate to be surrounded by team members from diverse professional backgrounds, all striving towards a common goal. Witnessing the collective impact of everyone’s efforts on both the staff and patient experience is truly rewarding. 


When you started your career, did you foresee yourself having a leadership role? 

This role is truly a dream come true for me. It’s a position I’ve always aimed for, considering my undergraduate major in business management, although my true passion lies in healthcare. Amidst industry experts, I remained focused on my goal, absorbing as much knowledge as possible. I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this team, in this industry, working for this organization. 


Do you have any professional (or personal) mentors who have inspired you to be a leader? 

I am fortunate to have several mentors, but I want to highlight one in particular. I’ve known this woman since childhood. Like many entrepreneurs, she began her own company from home and transformed it into a thriving enterprise. I witnessed firsthand the obstacles she faced as a woman, entrepreneur, and mother, providing me with valuable insights. She is a true trailblazer, and I frequently seek her guidance due to her wealth of knowledge and willingness to offer sound advice. 


You recently received Industry Era’s Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2023! What does that award mean to you? 

Receiving such an award is truly humbling for me. However, as I mentioned earlier, my accomplishments reflect the incredible team I work with. Therefore, I want to underscore our team’s collective efforts and acknowledge all we have achieved together. 


What’s one thing you’re learning or a vital lesson recently? 

I’ve learned not to compare my professional methods to others. Working alongside so many brilliant team members and physicians can be intimidating. Still, the more I focus on the company’s goals and strive to achieve them, the less I focus on factors I cannot control. I make it a point not to get distracted from the end goal at all costs, including my thoughts. 


What’s your go-to productivity hack? 

A good old simple to-do” list! Crossing something completed off the list is always rewarding and an ongoing reminder to ensure my tasks are completed. My other ‘hack’ is having numerous folders in my inbox to refer to pending emails during my meetings. 


How do you manage your mental health and wellness? 

I’ve been attending a gym—it’s a game-changer! I enjoy that time alone during the early morning hours. I try to tune out the world, and it’s likely the only hour in a day that I am not connected to my phone. 


What are some of your hobbies outside of work? And, are you supporting any charities, etc? 

I enjoy working out, spending my free time with my family, and baking with my son. He makes a mean banana bread that I usually spend the rest of the week burning off.  

Additionally, I am a big advocate of charitable support. I’ve previously held fundraisers for a small local charity called Angel Hair for Kids. They provide wigs and hair systems, the only kind in Canada, to children undergoing medical treatments. It’s so important that kids never lose their confidence, and this incredible organization helps families needing such support. 


What would you like our readers to know about you?  

I’m a self-proclaimed foodie—I love trying all cultural foods. I’ve been fortunate to travel across many continents and have enjoyed being immersed in many different cultures. I do not have a green thumb! I can barely maintain fake flowers, let alone a garden. 


Are you currently reading any books or listening to any podcasts – which ones? 

I’ve been tuning into the MacKay CEO Diary Podcasts. I find this podcast to be relatable and inspiring. 


What do you want to achieve next? 

There are a few ideas on the table, but I’m kind of a do, then talk” leader, so I’ll be keeping some surprises up my sleeve. As a teaser, the goal is to streamline, customize, and emphasize quality patient care. On a personal note, I continue to pursue my studies and want to advance in healthcare leadership. Stay tuned! 


How can women develop their leadership skills? 

Gender aside, anyone striving to be a leader must realize their talents at hand but, more importantly, areas to improve. It’s a means of practicing resilience, allowing you to play to your strengths later. For example, while in university, I took on a part-time role teaching the Italian language to elementary students to develop my public speaking skills & confidence. I’m an advocate of tackling fears head-on and taking risks. 


What is your proudest accomplishment at WELL? 

Seeing the esteemed Accreditation Canada accredit our organization with Exemplary Standing is one; and last, but certainly not least, WELL Health Diagnostic Centres making Great Place to Work for the seventh consecutive year! These two accomplishments are a testament to a happy workforce caring about patient safety and quality care. 


What is your pitch for why people should join WELL Health Diagnostic Centres? 

Aside from it being a fantastic place to work, WELL Health Diagnostics is the largest ambulatory care center in Ontario, focusing on radiology, cardiology, respirology, and sleep. With growing opportunities and a team genuinely caring about patients and staff, I encourage anyone to join over 600 administrative and medical professionals at our 40+ clinics today. 


What’s one thing that surprised you about working at WELL? 

I continue to be amazed at all the moving parts that make this organization run smoothly. The teams are all relatively small, but all work and collaborate exceptionally well. It’s incredible to see it in action. Not one group or team has an “agenda“—it’s always a team goal and atmosphere. 


Looking to learn more about life at WELL Health? 

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Dina and learning more about the worlds of WELL Health Diagnostic Centres and WELL Health. 

Thank you, Dina, for your valuable contributions to healthcare and the whole WELL Health team! To learn more about opportunities with WELL Health Diagnostic Centres, visit their Careers page. And for more information about life at WELL Health, visit our People & Culture page.